Welcome to Dream Seeds

I'm not here to publicize reality. My sole purpose is to paint your dreams so you can see you and them in reality. I'm like Johnny Appleseed. I plant the seeds. You bloom and seed. We are all happy and at peace. Now please read.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thoughts on Death:

Death has taken another life
Birth has born another live one.
I've never been good with letting go
It's the hood in me
That feeling like you gotta hold on to every good thing in your life
And hold on STRONG
because tomorrow isn't promised
though today the gun-shot missed us
on the way home.
Just as she is on her way home
Back to days when she was a live one
Back to hearts of those her blood thrives from
Back to the light from which she was bathed
Back to the light
energy absorbed
her physical form no more
her spirit reborn from born.

I've never been good at saying good-bye
I don't know the meaning of the word
But I do know peace
it's what I crave in these streets
it's what I pray for her body
because her pain was like the niggahs that get shot everyday
her eyes, faint like the sun on a winter day
Like my great-grandaddy used to say
"Don't let that sun fool you nah!"
And that is exactly what I do,
You do,
We do
We let the suns fool us
Fool us into thinking they're gone for good
when really it is you who died
It is them who've been freed
and she was trapped
held captive by her oppressor
worst than war from the alien lands of white man
She sacrificed her life to free us all
By freeing herself.
That is an inheritance that extends beyond the boundaries of wealth
Beyond the limitations of human health
BEcause the day she died
we were fooled into thinking we had lost
Lost her
But with IN-sight
I found her in my heart.
And since I can't live without my heart
We'll never be apart.
~Bajá Marie
never premeditated, just felt, recorded and dated.

This poem is dedicated to the ladies that live in my heart and nurture my growing mind beyond the laws of life yet intune with the universal law of Myoho-Renge-Kyo.

Alice Coutee
Kimberly Strong-Fuller
Nevada Lumpkin
                     you can't miss what you never lost. we haven't lost them, we've only found ourselves.

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