The difference
B. tween peace and violence
in the prints
the blue prints
of our DNA
anatomical molecules
fossil fuels
and around the way.
The difference
be-tween peace and violence
exists in the prints
if you can't catch my drift
then please see what I say...
To the average eye the picture to the left looks like a fist with a fro and yes that is the surface purpose of this image but trust me the shapes and colors are meant to express mo. I mean damn near mo then I even know but I'll try to explain it. The rest is left to your own interpretation.
But before I give a full explanation I must apologize for my poverty see, the only colorful materials I can afford are Crayola crayons (I made it a point to get name brand Crayons! Shit I gotta have name brand something!! I do live in the 21st century!! See I fit in a bit. Don't you think?!?!) so should something be unclear; blame the materials NOT the individual here.
Ok so on the next level of interpretation for the picture on the left, I say that a closed fist is meant to be a tool. A tool for survival = to work, to eat, to fight, to hold on to and hold tight to one's beliefs. Yet in the 21st century a fist has evolved to not a tool for survival but a nuclear bomb that leads to no survival. Our leading businesses that support our economies are those that arm war and house leading scientists experimenting on bombing = basically how to kill each other better. Back in the day a fist fight was the way but in this day a gun fight is the way and the result is an explosion. The explosion of a gun leads to bullets flung and the life those bullets take leads to many lives taken away til no life can relay and humanity (human beings) either don't finish the race or we finish in last place. In this picture the fro is an explosion and the red, orange and darker hues surrounding are to exemplify that. At the top there is yellow with the indentation of birds flying in purple. The ones that fly the highest are the only ones that will survive this. The explosion in the picture I mean though for you deep souls please relate this to reality. What I is soon to be an explosion of realness and only the fittest will survive this.. but that explanation is another level of this picture. A higher one...
I would like to move on to the picture on the right that shows an open hand filled with yellow light, green hieroglyphics and oranges lines in the midst. Surrounded by brown, black and then the colors of red, pink purple and green on the outer tips of the page. On the first level this picture states that an open hand causes no violence because an open hand can hold nothing and the only way it can make contact of any kind is by laying itself on open objects such as another open hand, an arm, a leg, the sore parts of your back, the land...
The inside of the hand is to symbolize human energy, we make moves and fuse energy through power lines to move our minds. The moves are characterized in green because the best living things are green and the lines are orange because orange is the sun (to me at least). This energy is outlined in brown because, in the time before reasoning all human beings came from the same place, if you are free to believe creation beyond the Bible then you will understand what I mean. But basically in this time all current continents were one and all human beings were one. As the land seperated over time so did we and that is when reason, logic and race came to be to replace unity, spirituality and being. Please excuse me if I've gone too deep. I hope that you are still following me...So the brown symbolizes when we were one and the black symbolizes the lines we've drawn now or the other way around, it's convertible really so it's whichever you prefer.
Oh and make a note that in each picture I traced a different hand the left picture is my right hand and the right picture is my left hand. My apologies for the confusion. There's an illusion here that I hope you can see, See... most people are right-handed meaning their left hand is weak and weakness has become the sibling of peace. So I reversed the facing of these hands above in hopes to plant the seed to reverse the relationship between peace and weak.
And I guess the rest I'll leave open for your own interpretation. I suggest researching the meanings of colors. It's a reason I spelled them out when you could just see them for yourself and I suggest asking questions if you feel totally lost in this. I'm just sharing what came from me and neither of these pictures are babies of weed, just pure creativity with the potent purpose of planting positivity. For you from me.
Because I love you
and I'm Bajá Marie
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