If you grew up your whole life with your daddy at home, honor thy father, accept him and his flaws because he stood the test of time and stayed there for you through it all.
If you grew up with your mother your whole life and your father was not around at all or had little to do with your life, honor thy father, accept him and his flaws, because he KNEW he wasn't shit and you deserved better so instead of giving you shit he decided the best thing to do was move and let you do you. And because he made that move you are stronger than you could've been with him around. I mean we all know from experience when a woman is around an ain't shit man long enough she becomes wounded and those wounds hurt worse when they come from your fertilizer (I mean father) so he saved himself from wounding you and saved you from deeper wounds - the extremely hard to heal ones. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and the absence of the father makes a women's will and determination stronger so you women are like XENA Warrior princesses and shit. Be appreciative cause it's alot of weak minded women out here. You are a gift to them and the rest of the world. Know that.
And if your father was around yet he wasn't completely present in cents and sense then you too are strong because you fought!!! I won't interpret that in any other way than YOU fucking fought my lady and no matter what the result was from that fight I already know you won because you fought. Even if your fight was a run. Shit I just started running on the track since I been in LA and I gotta say running is just as much a fight as any other. And there's also having the wisdom to know which action is right (by action I mean fighting or running, waiting or pacing, walking or laying).
My point in even exploiting these views is to say that happiness is YOUR choice and it has nothing to do with your daddy. Everything in your life: past, present and future is a manifestation of your karma and causes from your past, present and future lifetimes. (Buddhist believe in reincarnation so in the previous sentence my intent to express that you've been here before) You have to take responsibility for what your life has been, is and will be.
And get over this whole independent thing!! I'm speaking even to lesbian women as I am FULL of homosexual energy (I will drop the bomb to your question of what the fuck that means tomorrow lol). You too, as all we women need HE, but he doesn't have to be your daddy, your husband, HE could just be a friend. Accept the fact that you need HIM.
And for my heterosexual feminism women that point the finger always, cry blame, fake orgasms and play the "I've been hurt before" BULLSHIT(FULL of shit) game. I say give it up. Take out the bitter of your bittersweet cup. Just be sweet! Choice to be happy and you'll see.
But for all us women to choose happiness in the end. We have to honor where our stories begin. The seed doesn't grow without fertilizer. You wouldn't be here without HIM so stop convincing yourself you don't need him. Just accept him and free yourself of this bitterness and exchange it for your true bliss. Now I can't tell you how to do this, remember I'm just Johnny Appleseed. Planting seeds in your mind, but only your thoughts and vibrations will make them grow. I just want you to know.
So why the fuck did I bring this up do you ask?! Well if you look up above there is a picture of me and my father taken on my College graduation day (May 15, 2011). And when we both saw this picture we agreed unanimously that our energy united would make history. See my daddy's birthday is July 20th so he calls me 9 months and a day because if you count 9 months and a day from his birthday in 1988 you get my birthday on April 21, 1989. Right?! Right. SOooo no Maury for US! Yup!
But besides that sweet little tale of paternity the rest of our story is very rocky! I mean VERY rocky!! And no matter how much I hated him, I loved him. No matter how much my mother tried to convince me he wasn't shit, I knew he had to be something cuz I for one wasn't shit. And no matter where he was, whether I knew his address or not, I felt close to him. Yes, unconditional love for your parents can be a bitch, unless you just accept it! The day I laid down my pride, cried and said to myself "Fuck it! I'm not afraid to say I need him!" The load of life got a little lighter and the more I accept this it continues to be lighter. And now instead being the man of the house as I was in my childhood due to his absence; I am now living in his house where he is the man, allowing me to heal from my childhood.
Time has a way of healing you if you let it instead of letting the illusions of space take you. Plant seeds of green (green meaning peace, serenity, positivity, and yes MONEY!) instead of seeds of greed, jealousy, hate, etc. Those only make you ill. Not HIM.
Anyways... I'm getting kinda tired and loosing my train of thought (it was the run I took today =^D) I'll express this more maybe later on. Comment if you like or don't...
I love you,
Bajá Marie
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