I'm a dreamer
I love stories
Storytelling is apart of the African culture
they call me Afrocentric
I love our story as African
One day I'd like to go to Africa
and share stories
I want to meet the birthplace of my first love
My first love is dance
poetry is my mistress
and we have a threesome
in my mind
my mind is poetry's origin
because my mind is interconnected
to stories
all stories
that's why I love them
dance takes care of me physically
poetry makes love to me mentally
and singing,
yes I was blessed with a voice that
"resonates with the spirit of the ancestors" - an elder told me
singing is how I breathe
it feeds sweet oxygen into my blood stream
through my heart valves
and out of my mouth.
I sing,
because singing is born from air
and I am free
I want to tell stories
so I write
I write because my words are better expressed
in bare sentence
than Ebonics,
arithmetic or even astrology
my story is me
and I am all people
because I live intertwined with my reality
enjoying every
I receive
and I am pleased
with simplicity
is the truth
and the truth will set you free.
There's is a side of me that tells me to stop
that nobody cares for your writing
that nobody cares for stories
because they've lost hope.
they are not being
they are just human
and I am a human-being
being human is alien to me.
I hope
I dream
I imagine
I have faith
I am alive
I am happy
everyday I wake up!
and I'm not just saying that
I'm broke as hell
I'm unemployed
I've fasted for a living because is for the having not the giving
I've worked to support my family
I have nothing
yet I have everything!
I have people who love me
people who listen to me
I am kind, good-hearted
I'm separate from the masses
because I stray away from group think classes
but I am forever equal
and eternally free
It's in my history
It's in my feet on the concrete, carpet, wood floors and marley
It's in my fingers when I caress a pen or tap the keys
It's in my vocal chords when I close my eyes and dream into the mic stand
i am ordinary
my story is extra-ordinary
my story is me
and meant to be shared with you
because I love you
I really do.
-Bajá Marie
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