Welcome to Dream Seeds

I'm not here to publicize reality. My sole purpose is to paint your dreams so you can see you and them in reality. I'm like Johnny Appleseed. I plant the seeds. You bloom and seed. We are all happy and at peace. Now please read.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Niggah! I'm Faded!:

And the story goes.
My style is more worth while
It's worth more than weed
it's measure is in the amount of the oxygen you breath
because my style is my mentality.


I have always wanted a hair to accentuate my greatest asset: my brain. I know men like a fat ass but they will be much more pleased with this fat brain I got. See the brain is composed of fat and I got the FATTEST!!! So I cut my hair off once again to exude my brand of sexy. Most women's sexy is tight jeans, weave, cleavage, short skirts, skin-tight dresses, make-up, the list goes on... And trust I'm not knockin any of it, I tried them all and they just wasn't me.
I hate jeans, make-up, skin-tight dresses, skirts, all the above, Ugh! the thought of them makes me clostraphobic (wrong spelling I'm sure. DOn't you dare judge!) But again I state I'm not knocking it. Whatever YOUR brand of sexy is I LOVE IT! and I love mine too. That's why I posted these pics to share it with you!

Now these photos are weeks old and I'm really sitting here looking shaggy. Time to get made love to tomorrow by my barber! Oh yeah for all you heterosexual women all I got say is fuck a beautician! No offense beautician women, but a man cutting my hair every two weeks is one of THE most romantic things! lol. I don't have a man at the moment so any encounters I have with the male species is not taken for granted. This one being the prime example! I love having a reason to feel a man's touch, it does sooo much!

SKRRRPPPP!!! Okay out of my fantasy and back to reality. I know my elders hate when I use the term Niggah to express things and I'm sorry. But the word has no power over me nor does it describe me. I use if cuz it was derived from the country by the name of Niger which is in Africa. I like Africa and all it's countries soooo I like the word and yessss I know my history and because of that I prefer the word Niggah over Black. At least Niggah tells me a country where I then can determine a continent of origin. Being black on the other hand don't tell me shit soooo really what's up?

And with that I hope you like it. If you don't it's fine. I'll like it for you! And I still love YOU!
~Bajá Marie

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