Welcome to Dream Seeds

I'm not here to publicize reality. My sole purpose is to paint your dreams so you can see you and them in reality. I'm like Johnny Appleseed. I plant the seeds. You bloom and seed. We are all happy and at peace. Now please read.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I remember you
I see you when I see my grandmother smile at me
I see all that you sacrificed in her beautiful smiling ability
her kissable cheeks
her nourishing hugs
which feed my heart plenty
big-boned she called me
cuz she kept me obese
with all her love for me.
The love from you...
or was it the lack thereof

People may think that way
But I don't
Ancestor I know you
because I know me
and you chose me
because you know me
Interconnected relativity
and I chose mommy
to come through
in this life
she sacrificed her life
for mine.

I just want you to know
that I hope to show
the life
lost by living
in time and space that was not freeing
yet freedom you produced
and reproduced
to produce fruits
like my great-grandmother's,
love, hug and smile.
these fruits nourish my body
teach my soul to fly
and deplore my mind
But they are just living
flesh can be deluded and confusing
yet they strive and survive.
I am eteranlly grateful for them.

you are free.
So I come through them
But I live as you
because I remember that your deaths
bore new fruits
and this circle of life continues
So ancestor
I chose to remember you
to live as you do
I remember you
to live for me
so everyday I wake
before prayers are chanted
even before I meditate
or even medicate (food is medicine, so I mean eating when I say medicate)
I dream
and wake

By: Bajá Marie