Welcome to Dream Seeds

I'm not here to publicize reality. My sole purpose is to paint your dreams so you can see you and them in reality. I'm like Johnny Appleseed. I plant the seeds. You bloom and seed. We are all happy and at peace. Now please read.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Resolution:

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I feel like Jan. 1st is too late to break old habits and start new ones so I always begin mine on Christmas day and yesterday was no exception. While chanting 3 hours of daimoku (that's chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) I wrote this in my journal:

12/25/11 Merry Christmas !!!

I am talented, genuine but still impure.
Sooo to take control of my life and get the most from it I've decided to do an experiment. Starting today until Christmas day of 2012 I've decided to be 100% raw & 100% Buddhist! lol!

So for me this means consistent effort everyday to get the most out of my body and this life.

- 3 hours of daimoku a day + morning and evening gongyo
- Only fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and water a day, all uncooked and all the time.

I gave De'Von til age 25 to get his shit together and be with me. I can't have him do that and I'm still in the same place. And because I'm special and I know it, I can do this. I can no longer put myself in the ranks of those of lower frequencies. I have to be me and do me things.

I'm ruled by the # 3
And I love fruits and veggies
So it only seems right that I make these srtides for me.
So I'm gonna start with one full year. And if all is successful on Christmas 2012 then I will extend my studies for another year and see where I am by 25 and if you know who is with me.

That's all I wrote and that's all I need my health and my faith.
Feed the body and the spirit with only the best ingredients.
You should never do an experiment that you can't conduct on yourself.
Consider me a scientist because if my hypothesis is correct then you will never be hearing the end of this.
But you got a year to find out. And if you haven't figured out what my hypothesis is then I can show better than I can explain. Because love is an action at the end of the day and I do love you.
_Bajá Marie

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Words From Mentor:

Sooo as you may already know I'm a Nichiren Buddhist of the Lay Buddhist Organization known as the SGI which means Soka Gaikkai (Value-Creating Society) International.

The President of this organization is my mentor and he goes by the name of Daisaku Ikeda. I would like to share some of his words with you, in hopes that they will inspire you as they inspire me! Love YOU!

The eyes of a poet discover in each person a unique and irreplaceable humanity. While arrogant intellect seeks to control and manipulate the world, the poetic spirit bows with reverence before its mysteries. Daisaku Ikeda

The institutions of human society treat us as parts of a machine. They assign us ranks and place considerable pressure upon us to fulfill defined roles. We need something to help us restore our lost and distorted humanity. Each of us has feelings that have been suppressed and have built up inside. There is a voiceless cry resting in the depths of our souls, waiting for expression. Art gives the soul’s feelings voice and form. - Daisaku Ikeda

Salute to Poets
By Daisaku Ikeda

There is a power in words,                  Poets!                                                                     that incites
an infinite power                                  Poets whose fine hearts                                      xenophobic rejection;
to revive, restore                                  feel the full torment                                            with low and ugly rumor
and make blaze anew.                       Of people’s pain!                                                 whose sole purpose is
                                                                                                                                                to degrade and demean;
There is a life in poetry,                      War, nuclear weapons,                                       with shrieked abuse            
a limitless, eternal life                         environmental destruction,                                                that destroys dignity
that can stir and arouse                      discrimination,                                                     tearing into the heart
a society to new vibrancy.                 The tramping of people’s rights -      like a lethal blade.
                                                                all these problems                               
Poets!                                                     are caused and created                                      This flood
Reflected in                                          by human beings.                                                                of deceptive, vacuous
your clear eyes                                     Thus there is                                                         and violent language
- like the still waters                             no misery or cruelty                                            has caused people        
of a lake-                                               beyond our power                                       to treat all words and language         
we can see:                                           as humans                                                            as suspect.
Clusters of people                                to resolve.                                                              Words are         
fleeing in confusion                                                                                                             the human heart         
through a field of battle.                    All people, everyone                                           and this doubt          
A wailing mother                                 crave and thirst                                                    has driven people
tenderly cradling                                  for peace,                                              into the dark and rampant isolation          
a tiny corpse.                                        everyone seeks and pursues                              of cynicism and fear,
An infant,                                              the goal of happiness.                                         distrusting everything
starving, emaciated,                                                                                                            including society
weakened and awaiting death.         All people                                                              and humanity itself.          
The trembling fist                                hold within themselves,                
of a young boy,                                   in their hearts,                                                       Ah, poets!
who writhes beneath                           a golden sun                                                         Now is the time 
the crushing weights of                       that can brightly light their own lives               to use the words
discrimination and hate.                    and shed far and wide                                        of compassion and truth, 
                                                                warm and brilliant beams                         the words of universal justice
Poets!                                                     of friendship and fraternity.            that roil and seethe within your heart,    
Through your keen ears                     This inner luster                                            to use these words to dispel
we can hear,                                         of life itself                                                     the dark and heavy clouds
as in an echoing valley:                      is the ultimate                                                       of language laden with
The self-mocking sighs                       font and source                                                    false and evil intent,
of young people                                   of new creation.                                                   to stir new winds
filled with mistrust and isolation,                                                                                      of hope and courage,
who sense no future                            Poets!                                                                     to bring about a
as they wander aimlessly                   Now is  the time                                                   new and golden dawn!
through thronging crowds.                 to raise your voices,                                           
The painful cry of Earth herself,      to call forth and awaken                             Mahatma Gandhi declares:
Oceans and atmosphere polluted,   the sun sleeping                                    “A poet is one who can call forth    
stripped and denuded of green,        in the hearts of people                    the good latent in the human breast.”
bound by atomic burdens,                 the world over.          
crying in distress                                                                                                                   Ah! The innumerable
as she continues to revolve                               Society is awash                                                  cruel fissures that split
on her grinding axis.                            with false discourse;                                            and divide our
                                                                with propaganda                                                 blue planet.

Divisions based                                    flowering tree                                                        Poets, arise!
on differences                                      - cherry, plum, peach and damson -                                Wait for no one,
of ideology,                                           uniquely valuable.                                               But stand up resolute
of state,                                                 Difference is                                                         and alone!
of national and                                    the quality that                                                   
ethnic identity,                                     enables us                                                             With our words
of religion,                                             to learn from each other,                                   and with our actions,
of class.                                                 to complement and fulfill each other,             let us till and turn
                                                                to respect and honor each other.                      the sprawling expanse,
The absurd, horrific                                                                                                             the desert aridity
and repeated reality                            Poets!                                                                     of people’s hearts.
of people                                               Let us throw new bridges   
turned against people                         across the gulfs dividing                                     The voice of the poet
viciously discriminating,                     people’s hearts!                                             who has chosen to stand alone
resenting, wrangling                             With the cries that issue                               calls out to and resounds with
and hating each other.                        from your soul                                                     the voice of another
                                                                turn the gears of history:                                    self-sufficient poet.
The deepest evil,                                  away from suspicion and toward trust            A single ripple
the ultimate source                              from divisiveness to harmony,                         elicits ten thousand waves.
of all conflict and tragedy,                               from war to peace.
Is the dividing heart,                                                                                                           When our cries of justice
Preoccupied with difference              We are all human beings.                                   swell to a symphony
it drives  people                                    The poetic spirit                                                 extolling humanity and life
to reject and exclude                          beats and throbs                                               and when its resonant tones
others.                                                    In our veins!                                                  Reach all corners of the Earth,
                                                                                                                                              wrapping and cradling it…
But this very Earth,                             All people are in fact
this lovely planet,                                                sisters and brothers                                              Then the deep red glory,
is a garden rich                                     capable of mutual love,                                     the dawning sun
with the full and gorgeous                  of coming together                                of peace for all people everywhere
blossoming                                            in harmonious unity.                                           will rise and lift
of diversity.                                                                                                                           into the sky.         
It is difference                                      All people
above all                                               have the right
that makes each                                  to live out our lives                             

Dedicated to the members of the World Congress of Poets, Sept. 2007

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who I Am?

My name is Bajá Marie
I ain't famous
I'm a nobody
but my energy?!?!
My energy is like crack
you get a hit of this smack
you always come back
So I don't worry
every situation in life is temporary
death is not permanent
only a sentiment
that transforms into a reincarnate.

I lost my train of thought basically what I'm trying to say is who I am is all that the heart conveys. and the heart does not convey with words, they are too shallow. Which is probably why I can't complete the poem.
I am art personified because I am the heart personified. You can't spell heart without art. I mean it has to be truth. My first love is dance. I started dancing at the age of three. I started writing poetry at the age of twelve because I got tired of my mom reading my journals and spitting it back to me in her own perverted perception. Poetry was my way of saying "Ma you wanna read in between my lines? Okay well try these on for size." Hahaha!!! I know my jokes aren't funny and I'm lame, I love it! Anyways I started singing at 17. I started coloring and sketching in July of this year and painting last week. Oh and I design my own clothes and jewelry when the free time finds me. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried and by Gosh I'm not bragging cuz I didn't choose this life, I just chose to be me. And me, Bajá Marie is not an artist but a heartist: a healer. Heart is the intent and art is the action.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Painted or Tainted Masterpiece in the Making

I painted this picture today.
Today I painted,
because only colors can express
     to puncture paper with cursive tattoo art
     to pencil in pieces of my heart
     both approaches
haunt me like my past life amongst roaches
       i love to be stroked
       i love to be painted
not tainted.

can you spare me this pain-less

I'm a masterpiece in the making
so it's only right I spend my time painting
I'm an artist
I express art more as I grow

I share my art folks
that love making that creates folks
his brush taught me the stroke
so I thought he knew how to blend
to make my color more volumous and
fuck a metaphor,
dick so good I cant speak
doctor's on the other end of the phone now
cuz the dick was soo good;
I cant speak.
I've lost speach,
my only language is the stroke
he used on me
and I paint
 mixing colors with black to dim their brilliance
covering the rebellious graffitti that praised
freedom songs
red, black, green and gold
all the other colors were robbed from me
when the flood gates opened
and I let him in
all because I was Indiana Jones'n
wanted to hear me moanin'
didn't realize I was fakin'
time was wastin'
now she's wasted
in the eyes of the vast majority,
but she belongs to me
and I see
she's just painted
not in permanent ink
picture not yet complete
not framed,
not penciled in,
not signed,
not praised,
but raised like the cheek bones in my Mona Lisa's smile (My friend Lisa, that is)
true art lovers won't use brush strokes to try to change it
they will just admire from afar
or stand by my side
and watch me
this masterpiece in the making.
~Bajá Marie

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sharing Stories: This Is My Lisa

My Lisa and I share stories and we share lives. And now we share lives with you.
By Lisa Coleman

You are going to regret this. (Meaning Earl) A break is well needed for both of us. He needs to get his shit together and I need a new start. What can I say, I love this man and it will never be at least not now, who knows if it will ever. I need a new start, I'm ready for something new. Not too experience love but to find a new me, a stronger more adventurous me. The person that is willing to work on themselves and not be scared to tackle the hard stuff head on. I think that's why I want to move to NY because new York is more than just a city, it a place where you really have to fight and tackle yourself mentally and physically against all the odds and proving to yourself that you can make it no matter what. People may say, you can do that in any city but that not true, you have to go where you'll be challenged the most or else you'll never know. NY isn't just a place of just starting your dreams it's a place of hope and victory. For anyone that wants a fresh new start and the greatest challenge you may face in your life as an adult. I don't know why i wrote this but I wanted to share this with you.

I'm Inspired:

I'm a dreamer
I love stories
Storytelling is apart of the African culture
they call me Afrocentric
I love our story as African
One day I'd like to go to Africa
and share stories
I want to meet the birthplace of my first love
My first love is dance
poetry is my mistress
and we have a threesome
in my mind
my mind is poetry's origin
because my mind is interconnected
to stories
all stories
that's why I love them

dance takes care of me physically
poetry makes love to me mentally
and singing,
yes I was blessed with a voice that
"resonates with the spirit of the ancestors" - an elder told me
singing is how I breathe
it feeds sweet oxygen into my blood stream
through my heart valves
and out of my mouth.
I sing,
because singing is born from air
and I am free

I want to tell stories
so I write
I write because my words are better expressed
in bare sentence
than Ebonics,
arithmetic or even astrology
my story is me
and I am all people
because I live intertwined with my reality
enjoying every
I receive
and I am pleased
with simplicity
is the truth
and the truth will set you free.

There's is a side of me that tells me to stop
that nobody cares for your writing
that nobody cares for stories
because they've lost hope.
they are not being
they are just human
and I am a human-being
being human is alien to me.
I hope
I dream
I imagine
I have faith
I am alive
I am happy
everyday I wake up!
and I'm not just saying that
I'm broke as hell
I'm unemployed
I've fasted for a living because is for the having not the giving
I've worked to support my family
I have nothing
yet I have everything!
I have people who love me
people who listen to me
I am kind, good-hearted
I'm separate from the masses
because I stray away from group think classes
but I am forever equal
and eternally free
It's in my history
It's in my feet on the concrete, carpet, wood floors and marley
It's in my fingers when I caress a pen or tap the keys
It's in my vocal chords when I close my eyes and dream into the mic stand
i am ordinary
my story is extra-ordinary
my story is me
and meant to be shared with you
because I love you
I really do.
-Bajá Marie

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Niggah! I'm Faded!:

And the story goes.
My style is more worth while
It's worth more than weed
it's measure is in the amount of the oxygen you breath
because my style is my mentality.


I have always wanted a hair to accentuate my greatest asset: my brain. I know men like a fat ass but they will be much more pleased with this fat brain I got. See the brain is composed of fat and I got the FATTEST!!! So I cut my hair off once again to exude my brand of sexy. Most women's sexy is tight jeans, weave, cleavage, short skirts, skin-tight dresses, make-up, the list goes on... And trust I'm not knockin any of it, I tried them all and they just wasn't me.
I hate jeans, make-up, skin-tight dresses, skirts, all the above, Ugh! the thought of them makes me clostraphobic (wrong spelling I'm sure. DOn't you dare judge!) But again I state I'm not knocking it. Whatever YOUR brand of sexy is I LOVE IT! and I love mine too. That's why I posted these pics to share it with you!

Now these photos are weeks old and I'm really sitting here looking shaggy. Time to get made love to tomorrow by my barber! Oh yeah for all you heterosexual women all I got say is fuck a beautician! No offense beautician women, but a man cutting my hair every two weeks is one of THE most romantic things! lol. I don't have a man at the moment so any encounters I have with the male species is not taken for granted. This one being the prime example! I love having a reason to feel a man's touch, it does sooo much!

SKRRRPPPP!!! Okay out of my fantasy and back to reality. I know my elders hate when I use the term Niggah to express things and I'm sorry. But the word has no power over me nor does it describe me. I use if cuz it was derived from the country by the name of Niger which is in Africa. I like Africa and all it's countries soooo I like the word and yessss I know my history and because of that I prefer the word Niggah over Black. At least Niggah tells me a country where I then can determine a continent of origin. Being black on the other hand don't tell me shit soooo really what's up?

And with that I hope you like it. If you don't it's fine. I'll like it for you! And I still love YOU!
~Bajá Marie

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I Knew Too Much:

Once upon a time
I knew too much
My knowledge clouded my vision
and I thought I didn't know enough
See I confused my mission of knowledge of self
self of knowledge

So I gave up self to know
I gave up feeling for reading
I gave up masturbating on my stomach for lying on back
I gave up loving for hating
I gave up breaking through boundaries with the laws that passed from India to Japan and China
for building up great walls of China
I tore down my determination for victory and just gave up

So you see me now
living in my father's house
broke as hell
no legacy,
just me

I got here
because I didn't just read books
Oh no!
I read books til I saw them as bare sentences
read sentences til I undressed them as words put in line.
Then arrogantly I decided that the words needed to be freed
so I became another poetic revolutionary
Writing poetry
Reciting poetry
Memorizing my lines
Playing my role
Seducing my audience
Hypnotizing myself
just another poser I became
preaching my word
for fame,
for name
when my first birthday present was myself.
A fool
I forget

Once upon a time
I was arrogant
So arrogant in fact
I was blinded
that's why the prescription on my glasses is soo strong
but so is my will
and blindness is bliss to the masses
who were so easily seduced by my prints
yet at the break of night
at the end of show and the close of the mic-open
my legs opened
I bedded unrest
and cheated on him with misery
dated them both seriously
almost thought of marrying
yet in the midst of my delusions the light always came
the light of faith
and I forged this curse of sight into it's true state
a gift
And I used it
but the more I freed myself of lesser frequencies
the more I sentenced my mind to insanity
Knowledge is power
and in power I was drowning
I had tapped into something within me without the key
I was breaking and entering

In other words,
I wasn't strong enough to wield such power
My faith was fleeting,
foundations unstable.

Power without faith is blind
Blind power is good in the beginning
never everlasting
It is failing
It is self-serving
perceived as undeserving
it is fleeting
"It is what it is" is the last thing they say
I watch my followers turn their back and walk away

See the power is not the word itself
but the word within
the power is you
the power is me.
we never believe
we live
never fully
what IT can be. (I'm referring to the phrase "It is what it is" here)

And I knew too much
I knew more than me
when all I needed to know
I wasn't listening
I wasn't feeling
I wasn't seeing
I wasn't enjoying life
because I wasn't being
the human BEING
that is me.
I was too busy thinking.

Burning brain cells with blunts and conspiracy
strategy and sugary
Instead burning the fat cells that clog my arteries
forging the path of the heart to impact the mind
it was hard to find
because I knew too much.

The minds eye,
otherwise known as the third eye, instinct
and that gut feeling
lives and breathes in the heart
listening to the heart is not a logical action but a free form art.
teetering between extremes
through mathematical strategy
doesn't make us free.
it only dims the light we emit to reality.

See in the beginning through to the never end
I can only speak about me
but reality
is we, us and our responsibility
but back to our regularly scheduled story

Once upon a time
I knew too much.
"once upon a time"
ended with the life and times of Walt Disney for me.
And I finally see the true nature of reality.
it came from the books, ancient scriptures, lines, lives and vibes
etched in the blood and bone that fosters and shelters my heart valves.

In this, my own story
Knowledge is power
faith is freeing
and power without freedom
has already been manifested in my ancestor's history

Freedom is love
Love is beyond acting
as I did in my past,
because you are living in delusion if you don't know that a "Spoken Word Artist"
is nothing more than an actor or actress.
Love is being!
And since the word being
completes our sentences
as human beings
love and life are not separate entities
they are the makers of humanity,
mirroring the manifestations of womb-an and man unity.
Humanity is reality
Our reality.

Again I speak broadly,
then again back to my story.
In order to to change reality
we must change the course of humanity.
But, before
you put on the cape and start acting
or plotting a strategy
why don't you believe
Believe what you already know:
the only human being you can CHANGE is your self
your self meaning no other self but your self.
And in order to, to change yourself
you must know yourself
read yourself
listen to yourself
memorize the lines that define your bottom line
and instead of acting
do being! (you know like do you?!?
that's what I'm referring to)

This poetry is derived from my own plight of not only
fostering relationships with all my mirror images:
in other words,
the eyes I see myself in
because before actual mirrors were created
we saw our self in the eyes of others
and though mirrors exist
we still do.
Mirror images are reflections of your past, present and future existences
reflections being the BEINGS your heart yearns to see and share sights with
and the people who's hearts yearn for you.

This object of self-transformation is a simple truth
one that has been told time and time again
and we read the words but we're not listening
to their INherent meaning.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Ghandi
"I have a dream..." - King
"A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and further, will enable a change in the destiny of human kind" - Ikeda

I can be
You can be
we are equally humans being.

I can dream
You can dream
I dream of you as you dream of me.

A human revolution is a transformation that involves breaking the shackles of our ego-centered "lesser selves" and revealing our "greater selves" wherein we experience deep compassion and joyfully take action for the sake of others and ultimately humanity. - because that is our destiny!

Once upon a time
I knew the truth
I knew the truth before I knew too much
before the college degree,
the high school diploma,
and even nursery.

I discovered truth in the lovemaking of my creation.
I felt the truth in the strength of my mother's arms
and in the union of her palms to fingertips.
I understand the truth as I live and breathe in love.
In love with myself and my people (in this story, my people is absolutely all people)
I speak the truth not for the sake of song, fame or poetry,
but as an everyday practice honoring the ordinary.
I am ordinary
and by accepting this to be true.
I am the truth.
Because just as the truth,
I am in plain sight,
yet the masses still don't see me;
my light blinds them and they're too busy talking bullshit
to practice listening
my vibrational energy of ordinary.

I understand that there's a negative connotation to the term;
but you can't spell extraordinary without it
and you have to crawl before you can walk
you're just extra.
which most people are and try to be everyday but not me.
never have,
I shop at thrift stores
I eat fruits and vegetables and wish to one day grow my own
money is not a necessity to me only an accessory.
I wear all colors and live in them.
I breath air not smoke
I drink juice not water
I don't stick-and move, I dance
I don't preach, I sing
I'm not being a character, I'm just being

Once upon a time
I wasn't me
I wasn't being
I was just thinking
I knew to much
Remember that arrogant, big-headed me?
Those of you who know me may think that was never me
but those you know me well were always frustrated, irritated and angry with me
and I with them...
But today I lay down my burden
( as I write this mix of poetry and life-story
because that me! )
and I lift up the law
the universal law of Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
I was born a fortune baby
 a fortune baby means your mother chanted Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo while you were in the womb.
You must use your arms strength to connect palms to fingertips in prayer. It is the most humbling and relaxing position of the body. Humility and relaxation fuel the mind and nourish the body, that why we sleep. Prayer is a way to rest in the day. You eat more than once a day, it's only right you practice sleep also. Sleep is dinner: prayer and meditation are breakfast and lunch and movement and exercise are you're light snacks in between.
But anyways, in this position your body is shaped like a microphone to the heavens - a pyramid, and the heart speaks as you call the universe by it's name -Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. My mother chanted this phrase, in this position for herself, her family and for me. So in her arms I found the truth, in her I found the truth. In her is where I came from.
Love, law and life
love for the law of life:
This is the ultimate law or truth of the universe that permeates all phenomena. Nichiren Daishonin established the practice of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is the Japenese reading of the Chinese title of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha's highest teaching, which teaches that Buddhahood exist eternally in all people.
Nam means devotion or dedication
Myoho means Mystic Law - no matter how much we try not everything can be factualized and explained. Some things are just mystic and that's apart of the truth.
Renge refers to the lotus flower, which simultaneously blooms and seeds indicating the simultaneity of cause and effect.
Kyo means sutra or Buddhist teaching

Buddhahood is a state of indestructible happiness wherein we manifest our limitless potential, boundless wisdom and infinite compassion and create value out of every situation in life.

Buddha is not a supernatural being but rather an ordinary person that is enlightened to the eternal and ultimate truth that is the reality of all things, and who lead others to attain the same enlightenment. The Lotus Sutra reveals that all living beings possess the Buddha nature.

I share all these definitions with you not to convert you to Buddhism my readers but to share my inner mechanisms because this is what my mother's blood fed me in the womb. So these words are now me and their definitions define me.
I am as all things,
because when I say I
I really mean we.
So after reading, studying, memorizing and listening to these definitions you'll know me and hopefully
know yourself.
you must be ordinary to be extraordinary.

Once upon a time,
I knew too much
I thought knowledge was power and it is
But where is the flower?
eternity needs seeds
So I invite you to study me
I won't hurt you
I love you
Instead hiding behind lines of poetry
I'm bearing my mind, heart and body
And if you hurt me by not reading, studying, memorizing and listening.
not following my leadership
not being your true-self
It will only make me work harder, better, faster, stronger
The pain your ignorance brings is ultimately freeing

Once upon a time, I knew too much
I still know alot
but I've changed
from learning about people experimentally
to being
Being truely,
and eternally.
Identifying the interconnectedness of me with love, law and life;
and understanding the true nature of reality.
human BEING is believing
believing is seeing
To see myself, I must believe in myself
To see myself I must see you
I believe in me as I believe in you.
What I once knew
is now old news.
It's the simple truth.
by Bajá Marie
Thank you for your time and attention!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lets Share Thoughts: (Part One)

I've been wanting to post poetry and story for the past few days, but my home computer has not allowed me to do so. Now that I finally have the opportunity my ideas escape me. So now I figure I'll just take the time to share thoughts if that's okay.

Women tend to sacrifice their girlfriends to be with their boyfriends. Cuz momma always said never bring your man around your freinds right? There's always trouble lurking. Well from experience I've been around my girls boyfriends but I love my girls more than any curious fantasy or one night stand. Shit one of my girls ex's used to hug me soo tight everytime I saw him. I saw the suggestion in his eye and I just laughed like this niggah go the wrong one. But back to my point. Women sacrifice their relationships with their girlfriends to be with their boyfriends and as I result they expect the boyfriend to fill in the void by being both boyfriend and girlfriend.

My women please stop living in this delusion that a man is all you need in this life. And that you're girlfriends are just the filler til you find him or better, when HE FINDS YOU! You're fooling yourself! Women need women relationships. Whether it be bffs, sisters, wifey's, whatever. Shit I'm told all the time I'm a homo and I accept that because I accept the fact that I need my women. I love my women. And the man made for me will know that I'ma stay cheating on him with my sister-friends. He'll love them just as much as I do through supporting my relationships with them. Soo I share this to say. Stop making your man your whole world, it's not healthy and it's not fair to him. A man is man, yes they have a feminine side to them but that doesn't mean they care about your nails, your exes, and whatever else you talk about with your girls.

Enjoy your man as he is, don't try to change him. Neither of you will be happy in the end which equals another failed realtionship.

Penis is my preference but I share love with my girlfriends everyday. That is all.