Welcome to Dream Seeds

I'm not here to publicize reality. My sole purpose is to paint your dreams so you can see you and them in reality. I'm like Johnny Appleseed. I plant the seeds. You bloom and seed. We are all happy and at peace. Now please read.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Words From Mentor:

Sooo as you may already know I'm a Nichiren Buddhist of the Lay Buddhist Organization known as the SGI which means Soka Gaikkai (Value-Creating Society) International.

The President of this organization is my mentor and he goes by the name of Daisaku Ikeda. I would like to share some of his words with you, in hopes that they will inspire you as they inspire me! Love YOU!

The eyes of a poet discover in each person a unique and irreplaceable humanity. While arrogant intellect seeks to control and manipulate the world, the poetic spirit bows with reverence before its mysteries. Daisaku Ikeda

The institutions of human society treat us as parts of a machine. They assign us ranks and place considerable pressure upon us to fulfill defined roles. We need something to help us restore our lost and distorted humanity. Each of us has feelings that have been suppressed and have built up inside. There is a voiceless cry resting in the depths of our souls, waiting for expression. Art gives the soul’s feelings voice and form. - Daisaku Ikeda

Salute to Poets
By Daisaku Ikeda

There is a power in words,                  Poets!                                                                     that incites
an infinite power                                  Poets whose fine hearts                                      xenophobic rejection;
to revive, restore                                  feel the full torment                                            with low and ugly rumor
and make blaze anew.                       Of people’s pain!                                                 whose sole purpose is
                                                                                                                                                to degrade and demean;
There is a life in poetry,                      War, nuclear weapons,                                       with shrieked abuse            
a limitless, eternal life                         environmental destruction,                                                that destroys dignity
that can stir and arouse                      discrimination,                                                     tearing into the heart
a society to new vibrancy.                 The tramping of people’s rights -      like a lethal blade.
                                                                all these problems                               
Poets!                                                     are caused and created                                      This flood
Reflected in                                          by human beings.                                                                of deceptive, vacuous
your clear eyes                                     Thus there is                                                         and violent language
- like the still waters                             no misery or cruelty                                            has caused people        
of a lake-                                               beyond our power                                       to treat all words and language         
we can see:                                           as humans                                                            as suspect.
Clusters of people                                to resolve.                                                              Words are         
fleeing in confusion                                                                                                             the human heart         
through a field of battle.                    All people, everyone                                           and this doubt          
A wailing mother                                 crave and thirst                                                    has driven people
tenderly cradling                                  for peace,                                              into the dark and rampant isolation          
a tiny corpse.                                        everyone seeks and pursues                              of cynicism and fear,
An infant,                                              the goal of happiness.                                         distrusting everything
starving, emaciated,                                                                                                            including society
weakened and awaiting death.         All people                                                              and humanity itself.          
The trembling fist                                hold within themselves,                
of a young boy,                                   in their hearts,                                                       Ah, poets!
who writhes beneath                           a golden sun                                                         Now is the time 
the crushing weights of                       that can brightly light their own lives               to use the words
discrimination and hate.                    and shed far and wide                                        of compassion and truth, 
                                                                warm and brilliant beams                         the words of universal justice
Poets!                                                     of friendship and fraternity.            that roil and seethe within your heart,    
Through your keen ears                     This inner luster                                            to use these words to dispel
we can hear,                                         of life itself                                                     the dark and heavy clouds
as in an echoing valley:                      is the ultimate                                                       of language laden with
The self-mocking sighs                       font and source                                                    false and evil intent,
of young people                                   of new creation.                                                   to stir new winds
filled with mistrust and isolation,                                                                                      of hope and courage,
who sense no future                            Poets!                                                                     to bring about a
as they wander aimlessly                   Now is  the time                                                   new and golden dawn!
through thronging crowds.                 to raise your voices,                                           
The painful cry of Earth herself,      to call forth and awaken                             Mahatma Gandhi declares:
Oceans and atmosphere polluted,   the sun sleeping                                    “A poet is one who can call forth    
stripped and denuded of green,        in the hearts of people                    the good latent in the human breast.”
bound by atomic burdens,                 the world over.          
crying in distress                                                                                                                   Ah! The innumerable
as she continues to revolve                               Society is awash                                                  cruel fissures that split
on her grinding axis.                            with false discourse;                                            and divide our
                                                                with propaganda                                                 blue planet.

Divisions based                                    flowering tree                                                        Poets, arise!
on differences                                      - cherry, plum, peach and damson -                                Wait for no one,
of ideology,                                           uniquely valuable.                                               But stand up resolute
of state,                                                 Difference is                                                         and alone!
of national and                                    the quality that                                                   
ethnic identity,                                     enables us                                                             With our words
of religion,                                             to learn from each other,                                   and with our actions,
of class.                                                 to complement and fulfill each other,             let us till and turn
                                                                to respect and honor each other.                      the sprawling expanse,
The absurd, horrific                                                                                                             the desert aridity
and repeated reality                            Poets!                                                                     of people’s hearts.
of people                                               Let us throw new bridges   
turned against people                         across the gulfs dividing                                     The voice of the poet
viciously discriminating,                     people’s hearts!                                             who has chosen to stand alone
resenting, wrangling                             With the cries that issue                               calls out to and resounds with
and hating each other.                        from your soul                                                     the voice of another
                                                                turn the gears of history:                                    self-sufficient poet.
The deepest evil,                                  away from suspicion and toward trust            A single ripple
the ultimate source                              from divisiveness to harmony,                         elicits ten thousand waves.
of all conflict and tragedy,                               from war to peace.
Is the dividing heart,                                                                                                           When our cries of justice
Preoccupied with difference              We are all human beings.                                   swell to a symphony
it drives  people                                    The poetic spirit                                                 extolling humanity and life
to reject and exclude                          beats and throbs                                               and when its resonant tones
others.                                                    In our veins!                                                  Reach all corners of the Earth,
                                                                                                                                              wrapping and cradling it…
But this very Earth,                             All people are in fact
this lovely planet,                                                sisters and brothers                                              Then the deep red glory,
is a garden rich                                     capable of mutual love,                                     the dawning sun
with the full and gorgeous                  of coming together                                of peace for all people everywhere
blossoming                                            in harmonious unity.                                           will rise and lift
of diversity.                                                                                                                           into the sky.         
It is difference                                      All people
above all                                               have the right
that makes each                                  to live out our lives                             

Dedicated to the members of the World Congress of Poets, Sept. 2007

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