Welcome to Dream Seeds

I'm not here to publicize reality. My sole purpose is to paint your dreams so you can see you and them in reality. I'm like Johnny Appleseed. I plant the seeds. You bloom and seed. We are all happy and at peace. Now please read.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Allow Myself to Introduce Myself:

My name is Bajá Marie Poindexter.

Bajá derives from the Arabic word Bahja meaning splendor and joy.
Marie is the first name of my favorite auntie and the middle of many queens and beauties.
Poindexter is the name of my ancestors given to them the from their slave master. The Poindexter's were from Norwegia and had a nice home and small plantation in the South. I'm not entirely sure where. My research of them ended as a cold case. But anyways, it's my name now. Given to me by my father because he wanted a sun (pronounced son). But he got me. And stamped me with Poindexter and hand-made Bajá Marie (basically my daddy named me).

My birthday is obselete. Every day I celebrate the life that was given to me.
It says I'm a bull though. I think it's because I hate BULL-shit.

This blog is called B. Truth because my first Initial is B and I only associate with the truth.
My motto since this year began is "I only associate with the truth and if you ain't the truth I can't fuck with you!" Yeah that's the Bull in me I guess.

I'm from the Southside of Chicago and have experienced more than my mother will acknowledge and my father even knew. But I'm here now, I made it through and I present myself mind, body and soul in this blog to share myself with you. Because I grew up on Barney and I believe that sharing is caring. And since birth I was born with the defect to LOVE all living beings unconditionally for no good reasoning, other than that LOVE always seemed right to me. It was my inner healing.

So I'm not afraid to be open. I'm not afraid to share. Because my care outweighs my fear.

I believe I'm art personified:
I sing
I dance
I choreograph
I write
I speak
I color abtract art with crayola crayons
I read THEN rebel (in-sight-full knowledge is more powerful than blind violence)
I'm always learning, always curious
creatively thinking
I don't dream dreams
I plant seeds
I'm growing just as my seeds

Also I'm a hand maker since my name was hand-made. I love making things for people instead of buying them. I hate money and love bartering.

Don't get me wrong I do wish to be wealthy but only to build community! Just give me a garden, fabric, shea butter and water and I'm happy living me. But I can't be happy living in this world til we rebuild community. Yes I did say WE. So astrology said as a BULL I'll have money and I have already planted that seed.

So that's me for now. I am more. So there's more to come.

PS: I love kisses! Kisses making EVERYTHING better.

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